hprbonline.com Interview Schedule 2013-2014 Constable Ex-Servicemen : Haryana Police Recruitment Board

Name of the Organisation : Haryana Police Recruitment Board (hprbonline.com)
Type of Announcement : Interview Schedule
Designation : Constable (Ex-Servicemen)
Reference Number : Adv, No. 01/2013

Download Interview Schedule : https://www.indianjobtalks.in/uploads/30603-Interview%20Schedule_ADV_01_2013.pdf
Home Page : http://www.hprbonline.com/index.php

Haryana Police Last Update :
Download Interview Letter for Constable Ex-Servicemen : https://www.indianjobtalks.in/31192.html


Interview Schedule :
Date: 15-05-2014 8:00 AM
10001 10002 10006 10013 10015 10016 10020 10021 10026
10029 10031 10032 10033 10040 10041 10052 10054 10055
10059 10072 10073 10074 10082 10083 10092 10099 10103
10108 10110 10114 10115 10118 10122 10124 10126 10128
10135 10136 10138 10146 10156 10162 10163 10165 10170
10172 10174 10179 10187 10190 10193 10196 10200 10205
10223 10225 10228 10233 10234 10239 10244 10247 10251
10253 10258 10260 1026310284 10292 10293 1029910307
10309 10312 10315 10320 10326 10333 10335 10336 10337
10353 10354 10359 10360 10362 10363 10365 10367 10368
10378 10381 10385 10391 10392 10397 10398 10399 10401
10402 10421 10427 10428 10431 10432 10434 10435 10436
10441 10443 10445 10454 10460 10461 10474 10477 10483
10489 10495 10500 10505 10515 10518 10522 10534 10541
10542 10548 10553 10555 10560 10563 10569 10571 10572
10574 10577 10580 10581 10586 10593 10597 10598 10613
10614 10615 10619 10630 10635 10638 10639 10640 10641
10645 10646 10654 10656 10659 10660 10667 10668 10669
10673 10676 10684 10685 10692 10695 10696 10697 10705
10706 10707 10710 10719 10721 10724 10725 10726 10730
10733 10746 10749 10750 10752 10754 10756 10760 10761
10762 10763 10766 10768 10771 10772 10781 10784 10786
10789 10791 10800 10808 10809 10812 10814 10817 10821
10822 10839 10846 10853 10854 10856 10857 10860 10862
10867 10876 10878 10879 10881 10882 10883 10895 10909
For full list of successful candidates, refer pdf file in the link.

Categories: Results/Winners

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